To infinity and beyond!
Use our experienced green screen team to transport guests to anywhere with anyone…
Whatever scene, theme or message you’re keen to create we’ll take you there.
With smart placement technology, filters, live editing and an entirely bespoke pre-event creation service your imagination is the only thing that limits our greenscreen service.




Smart Placement Technology
Smart Placement Technology enables the guest to be placed in the correct location so they can realistically look like they are in the screen such as floating in a hot air balloon, falling down the rabbit hole or being swallowed by Jaws.
Users can even be flipped upsidedown, sideways or rotated within the photo scene.

Multiple Choice
Users can choose their own background for their photo which can be preset before the event giving you a range of different image outputs and providing the user with a more engaging experience.

Live Editing
Our stewards are on hand to ‘key’ and edit the final image before printing or sharing to ensure the best quality photo images without shadows or obvious outlines which give the greenscreen game away!

Foreground and Background
Both the foreground and background can be created separately ‘sandwiching’ guests inside a 3D image scene.
Your branding can also be incorporated into the scene creation or just on the overlay frame.

Greenscreen is incredibly versatile and can be used with our Video, GIF and othe activation services to create elaborate visuals that are begging to be shared.

Don’t Miss Out!
Click below to create your bespoke GREENSCREEN experience